
I’ve never really done New Year’s resolutions and I’m not really going to start now. 2008 has had its moments and the six months spent out of the country are a highlight simply because I spent them out of the country. But for the most part, this year has not been a great year for me. For the first time in a long time, I’ve felt really confused about what I want out of life and that’s been quite disconcerting.

So for 2009, I have a few general goals. I want to spend more time with people I love, less time with people who annoy me. I want to work better and smarter but find out what it is that will make me get out of bed excited. I want to set up some new projects or find some new areas of interest. I want to read more and write more.

In short, I want to eat better, love better, live better. Happy New Year!

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