Archive for November, 2008

random thoughts


So I’m back: back to the US for a few months, back to my university for a short visit, and back to blogging for the time being. I have a lot of thoughts about my research trip and my life, of course, but for the moment, I’m finding myself in yet another moment of panic […]



My weekend away with friends was good in the end, even if it was drama-filled all the way. Yesterday, on my way back, I ended up at the Coventry train station last night. It was a wretched day, cold, windy, and pouring, driving rain. As I went to the ticket machine, a young man stopped […]

This post is going to be a bit scattered because I’m rushing around a bit today before I go on a weekend trip with friends and I wanted to say something about the election while it’s still something of a current/ongoing event. So here are my thoughts: 1. Of course I’m excited and moved and […]